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Privacy Policy | Brainwave Training to Develop Mind PowerUpdated: January 4, 2012 We know you care how information about you is used and shared. We appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. Quantum Self Group, Inc. has created this privacy statement to d
Anti-Spam Policy | Brainwave Training to Develop Mind PowerThe marketing of any Quantum-Self or Quantum Self Group,Inc. web site (or System component) is strictly prohibited if done through the transmission of unsolicited e-mail, also known as SPAM. Any e-mail advertising must b
CopyRight Notice | Brainwave Training to Develop Mind PowerDigital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”)
Quantum Leap | Brainwave Training to Develop Mind PowerThe “Quantum Leap: Higher States” brainwave collection includes the below four unique brainwave training downloadable MP3 audios specially engineered by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler, 45-year brain/mind researcher and pioneer mi
About Us | Brainwave Training to Develop Mind PowerThe scientific director of the Quantum Mind Power Program is Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler. A doctor of psychology, author, and pioneer brain/mind researcher, Dr. Ammon-Wexler was among the first to introduce brainwave training t
Contact Us | Brainwave Training to Develop Mind PowerBefore submitting a support ticket, please be sure to check the “Q A“, as it provides access to the most common support questions that we receive.= Click Here!
Medical Disclaimer | Brainwave Training to Develop Mind PowerThis web site is not designed to, and does not, provide medical advice. All content (“Content”), including text, graphics, images and information available on or through this web site are for general informational purpos
Audio CD | Brainwave Training to Develop Mind PowerOur audios are both downloadable stereo-quality MPs, PLUS all CD collections that are shipped directly to you by Amazon. Click any of the below links to see what is available.
Brainwave Training & Guided Visualization Audios by Dr. Jill Ammon-WexBrainwave Training Guided Visualization Audios for Rapid Increases in Mind Power
Pineal Gland -Third Eye | Brainwave Training to Develop Mind PowerThe “Pineal Gland-Third Eye” brainwave collection includes the below four unique brainwave training downloadable MP3 audios specially engineered by Dr. Jill Ammon-Wexler, 45-year brain/mind researcher and pioneer mind po
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